Building on a bedrock
In North India, dairy products, particularly milk isn’t just a healthy habit, it is a culture. Milk has deep seated associations that start from ancient religious mythology to traditional fitness and health. As a result, the aura around the category is that of respect, propriety and tradition.
We aimed to create a milk/dairy brand targeted at young mothers who are looking at the purest inputs for the development of their children

Finding insight in a nuance
No matter what modern wisdom says, the truth is that everyone considers naughty or mischievous children healthier and sharper than their counterparts. It is especially true of younger children. Parents even like to brag about how naughty their children are.
Matching the energy of a young nation
The restrictions were also an immense opportunity. In keeping with the DNA of the company, we finalised a high energy direction and arrived upon the name – Aflatoon – which means a smart, high energy individual and is a part of common pop culture lingo. Translating that philosophy into design, we arrived at two characters Alfie and Moggy. Alfie, a six year old child with his imaginary best friend – a cow and together they are always in search of adventure to live life to the fullest – a combination of energy and intelligence that every mother wants to see in her child.