From consumers to connoisseurs

Radharani is a heritage, legacy tea estate that is more than 100 years old. It supplies to some of the most premier institutions all over the world including Harrod’s. It is the fourth largest tea producer in the India.

A brand to unite a nation

In a nation of 700 million tea drinkers, tea still remained a twice a day habit. It was consumed but seldom appreciated. Yet, it has been an integral part of the Indian culture. It is impossible to not think of India when we think of tea. It is the one thread that runs through the nation. And we were audacious enough to envision tying the country along these lines.

The codification of a culture – ORIGIN

Our focus was on turning this habit into a celebration. By enabling them to challenge conventional methods and rituals around tea and encourage an open and experimental approach.

The brand began by owning an integral and endangered species, the white bellied Heron (native to the region that the tea gardens of the brand are located in) and turning that into our mascot. The organisation came to stand for respect for the land – the brand story. At every touch point we reinforced the Origin story through the framework of respect, turning the brand into an instant success.